Monday, August 25, 2008

Now this is alternative commuting

You've heard of biking to work and walking to work, but how about essentially running a marathon to work? And then back home later that day.

"Mingles" and "jingles" moving back to the city

Can't say I've heard these terms before, but here's another article describing the growing demographic shift from suburban to urban living.

What makes these shifts special, notes Ehrenhalt, is their signal that "an
America that seemed destined for ever-increasing individualization and sprawl is
experimenting with new versions of community and sociability."

Friday, August 22, 2008

A tour of homes -- by bike

Here's a great way to show a community's walkability and bike-ability -- agents touring prospective buyers by bicycle. I think this is a fantastic way to tour houses and to show the benefits of living in communities like this.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Streetcars accross the country

NY Times article on the plans of cities throughout the country to add or upgrade streetcar service.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What is the Future of Suburbia?

The Freakonomics guys ran a quorum yesterday on their blog asking an interesting and diverse group the following question: What will U.S. surburbs look like in 40 years? The answers are fascinating, if at times silly. But they raise thought provoking ideas about how suburbs must adapt or die.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The importance of front porches

Nice commentary piece in the Memphis area Tri State Defender on the importance of front porches for walkable communities.

The Future of Crossing the Street

The Boston Globe magazine has a very interesting piece this weekend on various initiatives to make Boston a more pedestrian friendly city. Although Boston ranks as #3 on WalkScore's list of the most walkable cities, the fact that the actual walking activity there is difficult diminishes the acclaim. I was shocked to see that over the last five years the number of pedestrians killed by cars was double that of drivers and passengers killed in car accidents. That's a huge problem, and thankfully with the help of folks like Christopher Hart and the Shared Space idea, that number can be reduced.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Too many people riding Amtrak

Seems high gas prices are resulting in record numbers of Amtrak passengers, resulting in overcrowding and, not surprisingly, an inability to meet the increased demand.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How walkable is your area? Try the Popsicle Test

Here's a fun (in the summer) way to test your area's walkability -- can you buy a popsicle and walk all the way home without it melting?